Memories of wildlife
Photos by Margaret Holland
Can you help us, with your memories of seeing wildlife, to fill in gaps in our knowledge of selected wildlife species? In East Cleveland we have hardly any wildlife records. The area’s biodiversity has changed significantly since the middle of last century from the effects of agricultural intensification, abandonment of woodland practices, urban development, species introductions and other factors. Mammals and reptiles will have undergone big changes in distribution and abundance and some could be lost from our landscape.
We can’t go back in time and collect the records. However, your memories can make a valuable contribution to conservation by helping us to understand the past distribution of certain animals. We will use this improved knowledge of wild life distribution to further the conservation of some of our more vulnerable wildlife. This will include new research to determine whether there are residual populations of rare species such as dormouse, harvest mouse, water voles and adders and to prioritise the restoration of habitats to help protect and rebuild wildlife populations.
Please help by sharing your memories of different wildlife and showing us where and when you remember seeing particular animals by using the web based map below.